Cohutta Springs Youth Camp
This week Greg is the camp pastor at Cohutta Springs. Jordan is doing gymnastics camp and is in cabin 9a with Hannah Zachrison as her counselor. Brandon is doing wakeboarding and is in cabin 3b with Castwell ? and his counselor. Peyton was too cool to go to camp this year so on Thursday she came down and is staying in our chalet. Each morning after breakfast Greg and I went on a jog then he had worship for the kids. His talks were very interesting and kept the kids attention. After he did his 15 minutes of work we had the rest of the day free....so we rode our bikes...our longest ride was 12 miles..in the heat...one day it started pouring down rain on us and we had to take shelter in someones shed. Greg and I got to do the zipline, blob, slide, went skiing...and I actually got up for about 2 seconds on a wake board. Jordan had so much fun her first year here at camp that she asked to stay another week..but she has to go to her dads so she can't...maybe next year.
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