Had a great Christmas this year. Jordan found out that there is no Santa. Peyton and Brandon already knew. Mimi Marge and Papa Buz spent the night and I had to work 3-11pm on Christmas eve. Mimi put the Turkey in the oven and it wasn't done until 2am so I stayed up with her watching Christmas movies...Then Jordan woke up at 4am ready to open presents...we made her go back to bed till 8...Peyton got a clock/radio for her ipod, clothes, pjs, books...Brandon got 5 airsoft guns, pjs, books, falcons jersey...Jordan got clothes, and art set, books. Greg got a firepit, clothes, and a wallet..I got a tripod and zebra printed dansko shoes. Papa got a firepit and Mimi got a digital picture frame. Went to Mimi and Papas for supper and Jamie and Stassey came P & B went to their moms. Went to Knoxville on Sunday and had brunch with the Hudsons at the lakeside tavern..mom and dad came too. Then drove Jordan to her dads.
New years p & b were back with us and we went over to the Cusicks house till 10ish then came home and watched dick clark and the ball drop...dick clark looks like a wax person. Then got a phone call at 5am and asked if I would work...which I did until 3 then met Greg and the kids and went and saw Avatar in 3D.
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