Took the kids to Harvest Moon for brunch this am with Arnold and Sharon. This is a fun little restaurant downtown Rome Georgia that has a great brunch on Sunday. My favorite part is the desserts. Luckily since I'm trying to diet, this week the desserts were gross...I still overate, but not as much as I would have :)
After brunch Greg took the kids home to spend some time with their grandparents, and I drove to Atlanta airport to pick up Mimi and Papa. On the way I got another speeding ticket...this is my 2nd one in two months...I hate when the speed limit drops to 55...Oh well, guess I need to slow down. Mimi and Papa just got back from yet another cruise with Ty and Alice. They said they had a great time.
Today the weather was so nice that in the afternoon Jordan and I went outside to play basketball and Greg and Brandon threw the football. Peyton wanted to stay in her room.
At night the kids all got Pillows and blankets and made themselves little nests to get ready to watch the SUPERBOWL. This year was awesome...The GREENBAY PACKERS vs the steelers. Jordan was for the PACKERS and Brandon was for the steelers. So they had fun watching the game teasing each other. Peyton even watched the game. We made a huge tray of nachos and greg made cookies. I was soooo excited the the PACKERS Won....whooo hooo...GO PACK GO!!!!