November 21 (Friday) I woke up early this morning to get Jordan ready for school. Since it was so windy out last night I decided to look out the window before I got Jordan up. I'm so glad I ground is covered in snow and its still falling....looks like there won't be any school today. I still had to get up though since Amanda was bringing Rowan over for me to watch her. Jordan and Rowan went out to play in the snow for alittle while. Once Rowan left for the day, Jordan and I drove over to the Grove Park and looked at all the gingerbread houses. I wish I had my camera with me...great photo ops!!
November 22(Saturday) Jordan, Amanda, Rowan, and I went to Toys R Us early this morning and Jordan got to write out her Christmas list. Then we got Jersey Mikes and went to the Asheville Parade...this is one of my favorite days of the year. I love the parade. We of course got there finding a place to sit wasn't very easy. But we did and the girls had a great time. After the parade we went to the park to wait for Santa. To our surprise Santa came and sat down right next us. But with all the people Jordan was way to embarrassed to go sit on his lap. Oh well we'll have to go see the mall Santa!!
November 23 (Sunday) Happy Birthday to my mom....I had to work today so didn't get to talk much with her, but I'll see her in 2 days...YEA!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
November 14-16
Every year for Jordan's birthday I make cupcakes for Jordan to pass out to her classmates and I bring her lunch. This year she decided that she wanted me to make horse cut out cookies and frost them. So I get Jordan on the bus and tell her I'll see her at 12:05. I then clean the house while the cookies are baking, make Sabbath dinner, frost the cookies and jump in the shower by 11. 11:15 Jordan calls me and says, "mom, I thought you were eating lunch with me" Oh crap!!! I was wrong about the time...She eats lunch at 11:05...argg!! no time to get her taco bell as promised...I threw the frosted cookies in tuperware and ran to school...since the frosting didn't have time to dry the cookies all mush together and half their heads fall off as shes trying to pass them out...she refused to get in line and buy lunch from the she ate cookies for lunch...I felt like the most horrible after school and girl scouts I took her to cold stone for some ice cream. Mimi, Papa, and Jackson got in later that night along with Greg and Brandon. The next day while we were all at church Jamie and Stassey got to our house. AFter church Jordan, Greg, and I didn't have time for lunch, we had to run to Sams to sell girlscout nuts for a couple of hours. Then at 6 we all headed to the barn party at church. Greg helped me judge the chili making competition...Sunday we get up early and start getting ready for Jordans birthday I'm sick...I feel miserable...bad indigestion maybe from the chili?? Jamie, Dad, Jackson, and Stassey had to leave early, but all helped me decorate before they left..then Greg made the most amazing fire in the fire pit...pathfinder sure paid off for him!! Unfortunately they also had to leave before the party started. Jordan had a surprise that day. One hour before the party started there was a knock on the door and when Jordan opened it, she found her little brother with balloons...Surprise..she didn't know her daddy, Henry and sue were coming for her as soon as they got there we headed to the mall for her next get her ears pierced....she didn't even flinch. Back home 10 kids, silly string, and pizza made for a great party. then once everyone left...i puked...the end
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tina's Shower

Election Day...Well I actually went and voted for John McCain. I was so lucky that there wasn't any line. Walked in, voted, and walked out. Then off to the store to get all my supplies for the shower. Picked up Jordan and Laura and they played outside so the house would stay clean. Tina's shower went well. There were about 10 people that showed up and double that with all the kids...Jordan had so much fun having all those kids at her house. She loved playing with the little ones. I think she will be a good babysitter one day. Heather Campbell came over early and helped decorate and make food. Tina's cake didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to, the frosting started to melt, but I think it still tasted pretty good. There was one piece of cake left, but Tina says she devoured it the next day...fortunatly pregnant people can do that without remorse.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
oct 31, 2008

Joely and Jordan came to visit family in Chattanooga this weekend and let me hang out with them. We had lots of fun trick or treating with Jordan, Peyton, Brandon, Jackson, and Reese. The next day they came and heard me preach. After lunch (missing some key ingredients) we hung out at Berry College (I beat them all in basketball) before heading to Chattanooga for supper and a late movie. I hope we can do this again soon. ~ Greg ummm...I don't remember you beating anyone in basketball...I think we need a rematch!!! ~Joely~
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