Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
November 22, 2008
November 21 (Friday) I woke up early this morning to get Jordan ready for school. Since it was so windy out last night I decided to look out the window before I got Jordan up. I'm so glad I ground is covered in snow and its still falling....looks like there won't be any school today. I still had to get up though since Amanda was bringing Rowan over for me to watch her. Jordan and Rowan went out to play in the snow for alittle while. Once Rowan left for the day, Jordan and I drove over to the Grove Park and looked at all the gingerbread houses. I wish I had my camera with me...great photo ops!!
November 22(Saturday) Jordan, Amanda, Rowan, and I went to Toys R Us early this morning and Jordan got to write out her Christmas list. Then we got Jersey Mikes and went to the Asheville Parade...this is one of my favorite days of the year. I love the parade. We of course got there finding a place to sit wasn't very easy. But we did and the girls had a great time. After the parade we went to the park to wait for Santa. To our surprise Santa came and sat down right next us. But with all the people Jordan was way to embarrassed to go sit on his lap. Oh well we'll have to go see the mall Santa!!
November 23 (Sunday) Happy Birthday to my mom....I had to work today so didn't get to talk much with her, but I'll see her in 2 days...YEA!!!
November 22(Saturday) Jordan, Amanda, Rowan, and I went to Toys R Us early this morning and Jordan got to write out her Christmas list. Then we got Jersey Mikes and went to the Asheville Parade...this is one of my favorite days of the year. I love the parade. We of course got there finding a place to sit wasn't very easy. But we did and the girls had a great time. After the parade we went to the park to wait for Santa. To our surprise Santa came and sat down right next us. But with all the people Jordan was way to embarrassed to go sit on his lap. Oh well we'll have to go see the mall Santa!!
November 23 (Sunday) Happy Birthday to my mom....I had to work today so didn't get to talk much with her, but I'll see her in 2 days...YEA!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
November 14-16
Every year for Jordan's birthday I make cupcakes for Jordan to pass out to her classmates and I bring her lunch. This year she decided that she wanted me to make horse cut out cookies and frost them. So I get Jordan on the bus and tell her I'll see her at 12:05. I then clean the house while the cookies are baking, make Sabbath dinner, frost the cookies and jump in the shower by 11. 11:15 Jordan calls me and says, "mom, I thought you were eating lunch with me" Oh crap!!! I was wrong about the time...She eats lunch at 11:05...argg!! no time to get her taco bell as promised...I threw the frosted cookies in tuperware and ran to school...since the frosting didn't have time to dry the cookies all mush together and half their heads fall off as shes trying to pass them out...she refused to get in line and buy lunch from the she ate cookies for lunch...I felt like the most horrible after school and girl scouts I took her to cold stone for some ice cream. Mimi, Papa, and Jackson got in later that night along with Greg and Brandon. The next day while we were all at church Jamie and Stassey got to our house. AFter church Jordan, Greg, and I didn't have time for lunch, we had to run to Sams to sell girlscout nuts for a couple of hours. Then at 6 we all headed to the barn party at church. Greg helped me judge the chili making competition...Sunday we get up early and start getting ready for Jordans birthday I'm sick...I feel miserable...bad indigestion maybe from the chili?? Jamie, Dad, Jackson, and Stassey had to leave early, but all helped me decorate before they left..then Greg made the most amazing fire in the fire pit...pathfinder sure paid off for him!! Unfortunately they also had to leave before the party started. Jordan had a surprise that day. One hour before the party started there was a knock on the door and when Jordan opened it, she found her little brother with balloons...Surprise..she didn't know her daddy, Henry and sue were coming for her as soon as they got there we headed to the mall for her next get her ears pierced....she didn't even flinch. Back home 10 kids, silly string, and pizza made for a great party. then once everyone left...i puked...the end
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tina's Shower

Election Day...Well I actually went and voted for John McCain. I was so lucky that there wasn't any line. Walked in, voted, and walked out. Then off to the store to get all my supplies for the shower. Picked up Jordan and Laura and they played outside so the house would stay clean. Tina's shower went well. There were about 10 people that showed up and double that with all the kids...Jordan had so much fun having all those kids at her house. She loved playing with the little ones. I think she will be a good babysitter one day. Heather Campbell came over early and helped decorate and make food. Tina's cake didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to, the frosting started to melt, but I think it still tasted pretty good. There was one piece of cake left, but Tina says she devoured it the next day...fortunatly pregnant people can do that without remorse.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
oct 31, 2008

Joely and Jordan came to visit family in Chattanooga this weekend and let me hang out with them. We had lots of fun trick or treating with Jordan, Peyton, Brandon, Jackson, and Reese. The next day they came and heard me preach. After lunch (missing some key ingredients) we hung out at Berry College (I beat them all in basketball) before heading to Chattanooga for supper and a late movie. I hope we can do this again soon. ~ Greg ummm...I don't remember you beating anyone in basketball...I think we need a rematch!!! ~Joely~
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ok, I really need to get a bell for scratches to wear around his neck. Last night as Jordan and I were eating dinner we saw Scratchy chasing a chipmunk into my room. So the neighbor comes over to help us capture it. We eventually chase it in the bath room and its running back and forth, actually scrambled up the shower curtain once. Eventually we ended up catching it and throwing it outside. 5 minutes later we see another one. Luckily he was alittle easier to catch. Time for scratches to wear a collar!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008

We finally drove to Chattanooga for the weekend. It's actually been a couple of months since we were last here. Jackson was very excited to see Jordan so they ran around together shooting things. That night Mimi and Jordan got in the pool..I put my suit on, but the water was too cold for me, plus there was a huge frog swimming in the pool earlier...gross!! I made mom and dad play games that night. Mom hates games, even when she won she didn't care..haha
September 18th, 2008

Today I wanted to do something special for Jordan, so when she got off the school bus I told her I had a surprise for her. She of course doesn't like to wait for the surprise and asked me a million times what it was and then when I wouldn't tell her, she would guess. Her first guess was..."mom, are you taking me to therapy, cuz thats not a fun surprise!" I had to laugh, poor kid thinks I'm gonna trick her into going to therapy. So as we are driving thru downtown asheville she starts to get scared...she's like, "mom, please don't take me downtown. I don't want to hear the drums, those people scare me." But she got a bit excited when we walked into the Paint your own Pottery Store. She picked out a mermaid to paint, and I painted a tea pot. I had brought us fun snacks and drinks and we sat and painted for 3 hours. Jordan makes me laugh so hard sometimes, the things that come out of her mouth and she doesn't even mean to be funny. There is a boy in her class that she has had a huge crush on since kindergarten. His name is Matthew. So Jordan starts telling me that she had this dream that she was in a car and Matthew was running in slow motion towards the car and the song..I'm so out of love, I'm so lost without you is playing in the backround...My question does Jordan even know that song???
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alright, so it only took 5 years and I've finally convinced myself to get up in front of everyone in church. We did a drama about a plate spinner, probably makes no sense to you, but if you saw the play it would make perfect sense. I was Hanks wife, Dorey....lucky for me I didn't have to speak at all...if I had, there probaby would have been no way that I would have gotten up there. But all in all it was pretty fun and the church loved it. We went for a beautiful hike Saturday afternoon with some friends, Jordan and Zach got in the water and went swimming. I wish I had my suit on it was so hot out and the water was very inviting!! Went over to Tams house for dinner and games, unfortunately I had to work the next day so we didn't get to stay too late. When I came home from work the next day the guys were here doing my roof. Its amazing how much they got done while I was at work. It looks awesome. I can't wait till its completed!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Met Amanda, Kristy, and all the kids at the fair. Jordan didn't like that you weren't allowed to pet the horses this year. Jordan went on a bunch of rides, but her favorite ones are the mazes that you walk thru. All the kids, except for the baby got to ride the ponies. Of course we couldn't go to the fair without getting a big plate of french fries...mmmm the grease!!!

I went to school to eat lunch with Jordan the other day. When a parent eats lunch with their child they get to sit at these special tables, not with the class. This was the first time this year that I have eaten lunch with her, so we are sitting there and I'm pointing to her classmates, one by one, telling her to tell me alittle about each one. We got to this one girl and I asked Jordan if she was friends with her and Jordan said no. I asked her why and Jordan said, "mom, she never blinks, its weird!" I know that that is mean, but I laughed so hard. Then Jordan tells me, "try having a staring contest contest with her, you'll never win." Now I'm trying to concentrate on Jordan while we eat lunch, but I can't help looking at this little girl and Jordan was right, I think she only blinked twice in 30 minutes.

That evening I took Jordan and Gen to Asheville Pizza and we saw Indiana Jones and got pizza. The girls were cute. Jordan kept saying to me, mom whats this moving rated? I said Pg 13. She says, mom I'm not 13, duh, I'm not suppose to be here. It wasn't that scary, but Jordan didn't like it. Then we walked around downtown Asheville and watched all the drummers. Of course the girls clung to me since there are alot of weirdos down there.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Jordan and I have started a tradition, that on Friday nights we rent a movie and get pizza and wings together. This weekend is the Apple Festival and I asked Jordan if she would like to go to it, or get a movie and pizza, she opted for the movie and pizza. As we were watching her mermaid movie that she picked out I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up she asked me if I noticed anything...I asked her if she cleaned the house and she said, " no". So I got up and found little yellow post it notes attached everywhere, lamps, the phone, microwave, etc...and they all said, "Dear Mom, I love you so much! Love, Jordan. The next night she had gone to a friends house for a birthday sleepover, so I was home alone. I went to pack my lunch for work the next day, and inside my lunch box was another yellow post it, with the same message. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet kid.
Monday, August 18, 2008
August 14-15

Jordan was so excited when I got home from work Tuesday night. I took Laura and her to the school to see the postings of who there teachers were gonna be and their classmates. Jordan was very excited to get the teacher she got R. Solomon. Matthew Kennedy and Will Gilkenson are both in her class this year. Then next day we got up very early and got dressed and walked to school and met the teacher. Jordan likes her and her classroom. She'll have to make new girlfriends this year because none of her other friends are in her class. The first day of school we walked and met Gen and Susan. Jordan made me promise not to take any pics in the classroom this year.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
July 19-21

The last time I flew to Washington I think was about 18 years ago...Thats a long time since I've seen my cousins. It was so nice to see them again. I wish I could have taken Jordan since they have never met her, but she was at her dad's and plane tickets are outrageously expensive anyway. The wedding was really nice. The flower girl wore Jordan's dress from Jamies wedding. My Uncle Ty is hilarious, during the father daughter dance he broke out into mchammer, did the robot, ymca, cotton eyed was very cute. Then I got to spend the entire day in the airport...pasco to seattle, seattle to houston, houston to asheville...left at 6am got home at 11 about a long day..luckily I just stayed the night at Tams house and got to play with her and Zac the next day.
The last time I flew to Washington I think was about 18 years ago...Thats a long time since I've seen my cousins. It was so nice to see them again. I wish I could have taken Jordan since they have never met her, but she was at her dad's and plane tickets are outrageously expensive anyway. The wedding was really nice. The flower girl wore Jordan's dress from Jamies wedding. My Uncle Ty is hilarious, during the father daughter dance he broke out into mchammer, did the robot, ymca, cotton eyed was very cute. Then I got to spend the entire day in the airport...pasco to seattle, seattle to houston, houston to asheville...left at 6am got home at 11 about a long day..luckily I just stayed the night at Tams house and got to play with her and Zac the next day.
Monday, July 14, 2008
July 11, 2008

Jordan, Amanda, Rowan and I all drove to Gatlinburg to go to Dollywood today. Since Jordan doesn't like to go on the rollercoasters it worked out well having a 2 year old go with us. They rode all the kiddie rides together and had a great time. That night we all went swimming in the cold pool and not so hot hot tub. Then next day we met Lisa and her family, Mom and Dad, and Jamie and his family at Dollywood. Jackson loved the water park and him and Jordan loved shooting people with water. Jamie bought Jackson a play gun and he tried to shoot people as he drove the cars. It was so cute. Dad and I were the only ones who wanted to go on any of the rollercoasters. It was nice having Amanda and Rowan go with us, it gave me company driving to KY to drop Jordan off to go to her dads house. Then we went on to Amandas parents house for the night.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
June 14th, 2008
Tonight was Alicias going away party at the Grove Park Inn. Val, Margarita, Alicia, and I all met upstairs, then went down to Elaines Dueling Piano Bar. We had the best time there. It was so much fun singing. Alicia and I got hungry afterwards so it was alittle hard to find a place that still served food at 1am. Luckily the Bier Garden was willing to make us some nachos. I think we finally got home at 2am. Alicia slept over and slept in Jordans room with the cat. That morning we went downtown for a nice Father's Day breakfast. Then she went home to pack. We all met back up at Outback for supper. I'm so sad they are moving away!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
June 5th, 2008

YEA!!! Last day of school. We got Jordan and Laura out of school at 11am then drove to Myrtle Beach. We got there about the same time as Jamie and his family. Jordan and Laura played really well with Johnnys girls. Jordan wouldn't go out very far in the ocean because we all saw a shark swimming by us. I think their favorite time there was the very last day we all played frisbee and built sandcastles on the beach at night. Then went in the water with all our clothes on.
Friday, May 30, 2008
May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
May 23, 2008

Girl Scout Camp
This year camp was great. We didn't have to sleep in tents on the floor, instead we slept in the cute tree house's. It was fun for me since Lisa and Laura came with us. Lisa had her surgery last week, but she was feeling well enough to make the trip. It was just like we were little again attending camp. The girls were so excited to sleep in their own tree house without adults, until it was actually time to fall asleep, then they were a bit scared. We only stayed one night, but with all the stuff we brought you would have thought we were moving in. After all the activities and meals we headed home, stopping in Brevard for the White Squirrel festival. We still are a bit confused as to why they have a festival for squirrels, but it was fun all the same. It's amazing how life works out. I love the fact that I get to live by my Aunt, she is the sister I never had. And for Jordan she gets to grow up with her cousins. I hope they stay best friends forever.
This year camp was great. We didn't have to sleep in tents on the floor, instead we slept in the cute tree house's. It was fun for me since Lisa and Laura came with us. Lisa had her surgery last week, but she was feeling well enough to make the trip. It was just like we were little again attending camp. The girls were so excited to sleep in their own tree house without adults, until it was actually time to fall asleep, then they were a bit scared. We only stayed one night, but with all the stuff we brought you would have thought we were moving in. After all the activities and meals we headed home, stopping in Brevard for the White Squirrel festival. We still are a bit confused as to why they have a festival for squirrels, but it was fun all the same. It's amazing how life works out. I love the fact that I get to live by my Aunt, she is the sister I never had. And for Jordan she gets to grow up with her cousins. I hope they stay best friends forever.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
May 16, 2008

Happy Half Birthday to Jordan!!! So today Jordan is 8 1/2. She got to leave school a 1/2 a day early. Then we drove to MiMi and PaPa Schwitzgoebels house. Mimi and I took Jordan to Libby Lu's and she got to get a makeover. She got her nails, makeup, and hair done. Then she got to shop in there store and pick out a few things. Jordan picked pizza and wings for supper, then after supper she had a 1/2 a cake and mimi, papa, and I sang Happy ( )day ( ) you, Happy ( )day ( ) you, happy ( ) day ( ) jordan, happy ( ) day ( ) you. That night I found a note on my bed from Jordan that read, "Thanks mom for making this the best 1/2 birthday ever."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
May 2-3
Wow what a weird week. I took Laura and Jordan to Rebecca's baby shower at La Paz. The girls had a great time, they were so excited that Shelly brought her son Nathan. Scary what little flirts they are. Saturday we actually got up in time for Sabbath school. It was a very sad day at church. Went to the neighbor's house for lunch with a few other people then got dressed and went to Matthew Thomas's funeral. The church was so packed with people that they had to have people in the youth room watching on a movie screen. I can't imagine losing a child. Ran over to Rowans birthday party at the park for a bit. Then to Lisas house to vist with friends. What a busy day.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April 15th, 2008
Jordan went to skate night then had a sleep over at Laura's house. Tonight was my tradional birthday dinner...Nachos with friends. Thanks everybody for coming out to sculleys and celebrating with me!! Look at all that food..we are such pigs.
April 11th, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Jordan and my mom made me the cutest birthday cake. Had the family over for dinner. Dad tried putting Jordan's pool up in the back yard, but I think there is a hole in it so don't think its gonna make it this summer. Jordan planted tulips and they are starting to bloom. I am so proud of her. We love to sit outside and look at our flowers.
April 10th, 2008
Drove to GA to the Chateau Elan spa/winery. This place was awesome. It was a cross between the Biltmore and the Grovepark. went for a massage when i first got there. Had chocolate covered strawberries waiting for me back in the room after the massage. Got dressed for dinner with little time to spare. :) Dinner was delicious.
March 22-28

Jordan's spending spring break with her dad this year so I've decided to take alittle spring break trip myself. Tammy, Zach, and I flew out to Orlando. Never in my life have I seen someone travel with so much luggage. The first night there we slept over at Susan's house. We laughed all night. Susan gave us facials using her microdermabrasion machine. Ahhh it was sooo relaxing!!! The 4 of us got a condo on Clearwater beach for a couple of days. It was pretty cold while we were there, but that didn't keep us from laying out. Met Melody and the girls at the Cheesecake factory one night for dinner. It was fun seeing them, I miss them!! Tams and I went alittle crazy in Ann Taylor after dinner. The next day met up with Fran and her kids. I haven't seen her since college either. This year has been great catching up with old friends. I guess I'm not letting life get in the way of living :)
March 6-9th, 2008

Stassey and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale then drove to Key West to go to my friend Terissa's wedding. We went a few days early so we could hang out and see the Keys. We got a condo with Mendy and Annie which was fun. Friday night we met up with Andrea whom I haven't seen since college. It was great meeting her husband and catching up. The wedding was on the beach and Terissa was absolutely beautiful. There were 5 of us there from good ole Mt Vernon Academy. I got to sit in the airport all day, then my flight got cancelled. The airline paid for my stay at an awesome hotel so I went swimming and got in the hot tub that night.
February 15th, 2008

Well Jordan is excited cuz she gets to go back to her daddy's house for the weekend. After dropping Jordan off, Tams and I headed to Charlotte. We slept over at Maydele's house and stayed up late talking. Next day was spent eating, shopping, and makeovers then we hit the town for Kim's bachelorette party. Unfortunately we had to leave late Sat night since I had to work Sun morning. Poor Tams got a ticket on the way home.
February 9th, 2008

Sleeping with the sharks
The Girlscouts took a trip the Ripleys Aquarium in Gatlinburg. We were all in for a long night starting with games, shirt painting, treasure hunt, midnight snacks, then time to go into the shark tunnel and make our beds for the night. Jordan was excited to sleep next to Mary Claire. As painful as it was to sleep on the hard floor, it really was an awesome experience to wake up in the middle of the night and see sharks swimming above you.
January 17th, 2008
Today I dropped Jordan off in KY so she could go visit her dad for the weekend. Then on to Nashville for me. I was going to see my first hockey game, the Predators. It was a good game, but unfortunately they lost. I met Stephanie and her family for breakfast. The last time I saw her was at Tammys wedding 8 years ago. Her kids are sooo cute.
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