Saturday after church Dori Boggess and I left for our girls weekend to gatlinburg. It took us a couple extra hours to get to Knoxville to pick up Amanda Smith because we stopped at the street fair in calhoun to look at the booths and eat cake. Once we got to Gatlinburg we met Tammy Peterson and Stephanie Rufo at No Way Joses for dinner. Yes, the same place Greg and I had our wedding reception. Our food was gross and all wrong so after getting the manager involved we got nasty dessert..hopefully the waitress didn't spit on it :)
Finally getting to the cabin Dori and I made a breakfast casserole while waiting for the rest to get there...Amanda and her sister Susan went to the scrapbooking store and Tammy and Stephanie went shopping. Ellia also came for the night. We had alot of fun talking, watching Country Strong, getting in the hot tub, and eating..we ended up staying up till 3am.
The next Amanda and Susan stayed in the cabin and scrapbooked while we went shopping. I got some really pretty material for my reusable bags and Tammy got lots of cute maternity clothes.
I think this weekend getaway was alot of fun and can't wait to do it again!!!